EDSD Dio Convention

And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.’ Matthew 4:19

What is Convention?

Diocesan Convention 2024

November 8-9, 2024 | sT. Margaret’s, Palm Desert

Established in 1974, Diocesan Convention is the annual business meeting of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego and acts as the primary legislative body of the Diocese. It’s a time when clergy and laypeople from all over the diocese come together to vote on an annual budget, to elect officers, and to hear reports of work from diocesan programs. But more importantly, we join together, worship together, learn together, and discern together--reflecting on becoming a better people of God.  


Where is Convention being held?

St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert

St. Margaret’s is well known to convention participants, and they are happy to welcome the entire diocese once again to participate in the annual work of Convention.  When you arrive, expect to be welcomed by a convention registrar for check-in.


PRE-Convention Schedule

Budget Hearings

The 2025 budget will be reviewed in advance of Convention at two hearings. These will be recorded for viewing at alternate times.

October 29, 6:30 p.m. 


October 31, 9:00 A.M.


Resolution Hearings

The 2025 proposed resolutions will be reviewed in advance of Convention at two hearings. These will be recorded for viewing at alternate times.

October 19, 9:00 a.m. 


October 24, 6:30 P.M.


Diocesan Convention Schedule

Friday, November 8

Pre-Convention Events 9:30-12:30 AM

Registration 1:00 pm - 2:00 PM on the Meyers Patio

Convention Business begins at 2:00 PM and includes a showing of “The Philadelphia Eleven” 

Dinner for all attendees on the patio at 6:15 PM

Saturday, November 9

Convention Registration 8:00 am - 9:00 AM

Opening Eucharist 9:00 AM

Business of Convention 10:45 AM

Lunch 12:30 PM

Business of Convention 1:15 - 4:00 PM





The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego looks forward to hearing your questions, suggestions, and concerns regarding Diocesan Convention. Please reach out to our staff and let us know your thoughts.